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34   Sprachen & Kultur                                                                                                                    Sprachen & Kultur  35

           Budapest entdecken                       Mi. 09.04.25, 18.00-20.30 h                  From Book to Screen – Annie Proulx /     Di. 19.08.-23.09.25, 6-mal,
         Geschichtsträchtige Hauptstadt Ungarns, Paris des   Schulhaus Holbein II, Basel       Ang Lee, «Brokeback Mountain»              15.30-17.00 h
         Ostens, zweitschönste Hauptstadt der Welt… Kommen   CHF 51.–                          We follow the story of the two cowboys, Jack Twist and   VHSBB, St. Alban-Vorstadt,
         Sie mit nach Budapest: Architektur, Kultur und Kulinarik   S 850 0901                 Ennis del Mar, with Proulx' text and key scenes of Lee's   Basel
         werden Sie begeistern!                                                                movie adaptation. Level C1.                CHF 234.–
         Katalin Erdei                                                                         Andrea Bollinger, Dr.                      S 405 0904
           Ungarn erleben                           Sa. 06.09. und 13.09.25,                     Beyond Borders                           Mo. 05.05.-22.09.25, 12-mal,
           Mehr als Paprika und Gulasch             10.00-13.00 h                                Reading Group                            18.00-19.30 h
         In diesem Kurs bekommen Sie zahlreiche Einblicke in   VHSBB, St. Alban-Vorstadt,      We look at some of the writers in English who transcend   Holbein Schulhaus, Basel
         die landschaftliche, kulinarische und kulturelle Vielfalt   Basel                     borders to represent other cultures, other voices. The   CHF 390.–
         Ungarns, ergänzt durch praktische Reiseinfos.   CHF 147.–                             emphasis will be on at-home reading and class discus-  S 406 0901
         Katalin Erdei                              S 850 0902                                 sion. Level C2
                                                                                               Georgia Staub-Clarke, M.A.                 Do. 08.05.-25.09.25, 12-mal,
                                                                                                                                          10.30-12.00 h
         Kulturen im Original-Ton                                                                                                         Haus der Vereine, Riehen
                                                                                                                                          CHF 390.–
           Taylor Swift and the Poets               Mo. 07.04.-02.06.25, 7-mal,                                                           S 406 0902
             Songwriting and Literature             18.00-20.00 h                              Abdulrazak Gurnah, «Gravel Heart»          Mi. 14.05.-25.06.25, 7-mal,
         Learn more about the references to poets and song-   Universität Basel,               Reading Group                              19.40-21.10 h
         writers in Taylor Swift's songs. Level B2.   Kollegienhaus                            Gurnah’s story is set in the late 20th century and follows   CHF 270.– exkl. Buch
         Andrew Shields, PhD                        CHF 300.– exkl. Buch                       Salim, who moves from Zanzibar to the United Kingdom,   S 405 0905
                                                    S 404 0901                                 as he reflects on his parent’s› separation. We read and
                                                                                               discuss the book. Level C1/C2.
           Lee Miller, «A Remarkable Life »         Mi. 07.05.-28.05.25, 4-mal,
           Famous Women                             14.30-16.00 h                              June Graff-Doran, B.A. Hons.
         Lee Miller was a model, a muse, a fashion photographer,   VHSBB, Basel                Chinua Achebe, «No Longer at Ease»         Mi. 13.08.-24.09.25, 7-mal,
         and a war correspondent. Learn more about what made   CHF 160.–                       Reading Group                              19.40-21.10 h
         her life so special! Level C1              S 405 0901                                 Obi Okonkwo – the main character of this book –   CHF 270.– exkl. Buch
         Andrea Bollinger, Dr.                                                                 leaves his Nigerian village for an education in Britain.   S 405 0906
                                                                                               We read about his conflicts between his African culture
           P. G. Wodehouse, «The Code of the Woosters »  Do. 08.05.-26.06.25, 7-mal,           and Western lifestyle, and discuss them. Level C1/C2.
           Reading Group                            17.30-19.00 h                              June Graff-Doran, B.A. Hons.
         Learn why P. G. Wodehouse was one of the most-widely   Reformierte Kirchgemeinde
         read British humourists of the 20th century by reading   Martinshof, Liestal            Le Jardin                                Sa. 23.08.-20.09.25, 5-mal,
         his perhaps best-loved work «The Code of the Woosters».   CHF 270.– exkl. Buch          Motif littéraire et miroir de l'évolution de la   10.00-12.00 h
         Level C1                                   S 405 0902                                 conception du monde                        VHSBB, St. Alban-Vorstadt,
         Andrea Bollinger, Dr.                                                                 Nous verrons comment les écrivains, les philosophes   Basel
                                                                                               et les artistes ont utilisé le jardin comme métaphore   CHF 279.–
           Nick Hornby, «About a Boy »              Do. 14.08.-25.09.25, 7-mal,                pour exprimer leurs idées sur la nature, la société et   S 504 0901
           Reading Group                            17.30-19.00 h                              l'individu. Niveau B2
         Read about an unlikely friendship, which helps both   Reformierte Kirchgemeinde       Antonia Livia Pop O'Brien, lic.ès lettres
         characters to grow and mature in their own ways.    Martinshof, Liestal
         Level C1                                   CHF 270.– exkl. Buch
         Andrea Bollinger, Dr.                      S 405 0903
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