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price information

_ 15% reduction
If you are a student or a trainee, you can apply for a reduction of 15% of the course fee.

_ 50% reduction
If you are a holder of the Caritas' KulturLegi, you can apply thanks to the Verein 'Bildung für alle' for a reduction of 50% of the course fee. Since the funds are limited we can not garantee a 50% dicount for every application. Should the funds be exhausted, we can reduce the course fee by 15%. Please get in contact with us prior to your application, if you want to make sure, that there are still funds available.

_ paying by instalments
Payment by instalments is also possible. Please contact us!

Important − We need a copy of your identity card or your request for payment by instalments together with the registration. Unfortunately, we cannot consider any documents or requests received at a later date.

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